.cz domain name
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Czech country code top-level domain

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The .cz domain name is the Czech country code top-level domain. In order to standardize the domain name market and enhance the confidence of registrants, the Czech Registration Office is promoting the certification of domain name registrars. The Czech Republic (esko) is the abbreviation of the Czech Republic. It is a landlocked country in Central Europe. It was formerly Czechoslovakia, but peacefully separated from Slovakia in 1993. In terms of the international common name for the Czech Republic, although it is customary for most English to call it Czech Republic, in fact, in an official document published in 1993, the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs requested all countries in the world to refer to the Czech Republic geographically. The name Czechia should be used to refer to it, while Czech Republic retains it and uses it as an official document.
Chinese name.cz domain name
Type Czech country code top-level domain
Abbreviation ccTLD
Registration Rules Registration is open to all organizations and individuals
Registration rules
Business registration and VAT numbers are required;
Domain names can contain numbers (0-9).